1. Do not worry about those who have come thru boats....
Our forces can easily defeat them.
WORRY about those who have come thru votes....
Those are our REAL ENEMIES….
2. What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported into ordinary BEST buses, whereas our cricketers are transported into state of the art luxury buses, these Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose a match, we worship these cricketers and forget the martyrdom of these brave Jawans.
The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.
3.Our NSG, BSF, ARMY, do not have a dedicated AIRCRAFT to perform rapid operations, while every tom dick n harry Minister is travelling through his Personalized Helicopter....!!!
4. Our Navy has total 25 Heavy artillery loaded ships, while a country named Korea which is smaller than Chattisgarh has 250 Heavy artillery loaded ships for the security of there coasts.
5. An ace shooter shoots and gets gold medal, govt gives 1cr, another shooterdieswhile shooting terrorist, govt gives 5 lakh.
WHO DESERVES MORE Our Commando's or Cricketers?
Huh.. This is our India....
Please be a patriot and forward this to everyone u know.
Let Mumbai come to its PACE once again with the spirit of MUMBAIKAR, but we people will never forget to send a mail daily to all the assosciates of ours. we wil not let this end here....!!!!!! we will keep the fire of revenge inside and will show at regular intervals....Plz dont feel shy to forward this mail......
JAI HIND!!!!!!
An Olympic shooter wins Gold (Only a game) & Government gives him 3 Crores
Another Shooter dies, fighting with terrorists (Saving our country and our lives) & government pays his family 5 lakhs.
Really great!!!!!!!!!!! Hats off to India !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please forward to all
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